Only 2% for the better tomorrow

Ani Sheen
2 min readApr 4, 2022

My dream job is the one that starts around 9 am and lasts at most 4 hours, pays for Prada, Chanel, Etro, anything I wish to have…

It is no secret that we want to own overpriced items to declare we are successful, happy. Let’s accept that, when you wear luxury brand item you feel more confident. On top after overcharging us, those brands manage to manufacture really good quality items. Items that give you sensation of joy when using.

And as Marie Condo assures us we need to own only things that sparkle joy.

Now I am in a middle of dilemma, should I abuse my credit card and purchase joy with luxury label on it, or maybe I donate same money to World Food organization to support those starving in Africa? Or Why only Africa, my own motherland is very poor and lot’s of families have no essentials.

How many people will have joy from the money I donate? Probably joy none- but at least one family can feed their kids one more day. I wonder what will change in the world if everyone who earns more than 1500 EURO would donate 2% of their monthly income to some charity.

In my imagination it can do a lot. Nevertheless, I will never know for sure. Could we live in a world where everyone has equal resources, and you just do your job because you like it, enjoy it? I believe no, cause we are just peacocks, we need to prove to ourselves we are better, stronger than another man. This is how we got so far.

As we do not have access to our masterdata to change our initial program, we can add some API’s and control the level of empathy and humanity we have.

Who is in ? I challenge you to do one thing today that can change the day of those who need help.

Have a blessed week,





Ani Sheen

Product Manager in a large automotive company. Enjoying what I do and want to do more. Writing to inspire❤️